Berg en Dal Cattery

The brand new cattery has been designed to create an even more spacious and homely atmosphere. We have six big rooms, that all open out on to the enclosed garden. All cats have the opportunity to spend time in the enclosed garden.
The cattery is cleaned on a continuous basis, as well as a thorough hygienic cleaning twice a day in order to keep the infection load of bacteria and viruses as low as possible.
All cat owner's please note:
A letter from your local veterinarian will be required when you bring your cat to Berg en Dal Kennel. This letter needs to state that your cat tested negative for both Feline Leukemia Virus as well as Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV). This is a simple blood test that can be done at the veterinary clinic and will take approximately 10 minutes. The vet will only need a few drops of blood to run the rapid blood test. After your cat’s FeLV/FIV status is known, he/she can be vaccinated against FeLV. Berg en Dal has always put any of the boarding animal’s health and comfort first.
Therefore, we have decided to implement the new set of requirements specifically for the cattery to guarantee a healthy and safe environment for your cats. Please read the Feline Leukemia Virus information sheet for more information with regards to this disease and the why the requirements are necessary.
*Please note that all rates quoted on the website are indicative only and subject to a final written quotation.